Live Review: Negative Gemini ‘You Never Knew’

22 October 2015 | 12:34 pm | Madeline Kilby
Originally Appeared In

In the years NEGATIVE GEMINI has been making music, she has managed to perfect a combination of pop/electronic/experimental music with finesse. Her latest release proves how the boundaries can be beautifully blurred, and ‘You Never Knew’ is just a teaser to an LP due out next year

In the years NEGATIVE GEMINI has been making music, she has managed to perfect a combination of pop/electronic/experimental music with finesse. Her latest release proves how the boundaries can be beautifully blurred, and ‘You Never Knew’ is just a teaser to an LP due out next year

Negative Gemini is the moniker of Queens based Lindsey French. Her debut album Forget Your Future received rave reviews, and cemented the trust of pop fans in Negative Gemini and allowing her to guide them in an adventure to the realms of electronica.

‘You Never Knew’ proves that Negative Gemini gets the differences between the genres she plays with. She understands the concept of pop, and how to manipulate it to create a tantalising, unique sound. Catchy hooks, soothing familiar sounds and beats are blended with electronic and experimental tinges.

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There will be times while listening to ‘You Never Knew’ that you may be reminded of 1990’s vintage Garbage. It is an intricate series of pop and electro layers. The lyrics enter the track in an almost demonic way. The mantra ‘You Never Knew’ is repeated over and over again, in seemingly different styles and moods, as though it is apart of a journey to recovery, taking place though hypnosis for the duration of the song.

Negative Gemini’s LP Bodywork is due out on next year on vinyl. In the meantime you can grab ‘You Never Knew’ on iTunes.