Live Review: Montgomery 'Pinata'

3 October 2014 | 7:38 pm | Lauren Payne
Originally Appeared In

Montgomery has released her second single that will also be featured on her debut EP.

The latest signing to I OH YOU has released yet another tantalising track called 'Pinata' and it's a sweet pop track full of light vocals and heaving synths.

When MONTGOMERY released her debut single 'War Cry', the world instantly fell in love with her softer talents and of course wondered if a girl with such a light musical outlook could pull it against her label counterparts such as DMA's, but the world shouldn't have worried.

MONTGOMERY has proved with her second single 'Pinata' that she is a force to be reckoned with, no matter how fragile she may sound. The new track still swims in the same  state of melancholy as her debut single, however it also possess a longing that previous single lacked. This is when we discover how versatile MONTGOMERY's songwriting is as 'Pinata' pulls at the heart-strings and soars over the intricate melody.

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'Pinata' has slightly more reverberation and it definitely works in it's favour. the reverb stretches out the already dark synths that bubble beneath MONTGOMERY's magical vocals. A deep beat pushes the track along and lifts it up so that the melody doesn't trudge along and sound almost depressing. The buzzing synths that introduce the tracks give 'Pinata' a bit of an edge and it's these small elements that tend to make all the difference in tracks such as this.

MONTGOMERY will be releasing her debut EP, New Clear Water, through I OH YOU on October 24 and by the looks of things, we should be ready for a strong, yet also vulnerable set of tracks that will indent MONTGOMERY's name in our minds for a very long time.

Words by Lauren Payne