Young electronic producer Elliot Moss unveils soul bearing new track 'Closedloop' a follow up to his release 'Without the Lights'
New York producer ELLIOT MOSS has unveiled a soul bearing new electronic single, 'Closedloop', the title track off his forthcoming EP. Moss is a relatively new producer but he's definitely not green, having already developed quite a signature. He is known for his soul infused tracks that seamlessly blend electronic and analog elements.
Often when you hear about young influential producers on the scene, Aussie producer FLUME comes to mind; you often imagine several formative years working on their style and honing their skills. Not Elliot Moss, he released his debut album Highspeeds before he could even legally drink, and it was an album that really helped put Moss on the map. His single 'Slip' has racked up over 27 million listens on its own.
'Closedloop' follows up to Elliot Moss's most recent tune 'Without the Lights.' It's a slow burning tune that tackles universal themes of honesty and openness, and being trapped secrets. The percussion and sensual vocal gives this track a real slow RnB feel that's reminiscent of early JAMES BLAKE. The piano infuses 'Closedloop' in a real gooey sense of melancholy, layered over rich warm synths that contrasts with sporadic echoes of hollow percussion.
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We're really vibing this trend of slowed down, and subtle electronica. There's something rich about combining synths with analog percussion and honeyed vocals that's really indulgent. Listen to the full EP now via Inertia.
Words by ROSIE RAE
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