Blood Orange releases a new track that he made just for fun called 'Havin' A Laff While Samantha Is Asleep On A Wednesday Night'
Hilarious / great covers will never get old, I've heard some pretty good ones over the past few years and the vibe of BLOOD ORANGE's new one is definitely memorable for all the right reasons.
Of course not all musicians release professional tracks all the time, there is always one or two tracks that bands upload to the interwebs you know, just for funsies, and this is exactly what BLOOD ORANGE has done today. The kooky name for this track is 'Havin' A Laff While Samantha Is Asleep On A Wednesday Night', and if that's what BLOOD ORANGE was literally doing the night this track was made, then I say do it more often because a great DRAKE cover has emerged.
A twangy guitar riff and some very disco-esque synths fly out of this tune and the result is something like PRINCE mixed with a bit of DAFT PUNK, which is a mix that definitely rocks, hard. The vocals are very wispy and just soar over the nostalgic melody, honestly it's like the eighties have crept back up on us and just taken over this Wednesday night that BLOOD ORANGE is enjoying.
An epic guitar solo just bursts out of the final few seconds of the song and honestly, you just want it to keep on going because it's a fun track that was made in the spirit of a moment, and those are the best kinds of tracks.
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More BLOOD ORANGE tracks are set to be released in the near future, however not too much information has been revealed about it, so I can't really tell you anymore than that. You can actually download this one for free from BLOOD ORANGE's Soundcloud, sounds good doesn't it?
Words by Lauren Payne