Live Review: PREMIERE: Beni 'October Mixtape'

4 October 2013 | 11:54 am | Lauren Payne
Originally Appeared In

Beni has provided us with another monthly mixtape and this time, it's a little dark.

Way back in July, Modular staple DJ / producer BENI released his 'July Mix', a tape full of the best music released in that fruitful month that played host to Splendour In The Grass and some killer winter parties to close up the mid-year gap.

It's been two months of great music, and to celebrate BENI has rustled up an 'October Mix' which sounds damn fantastic. Although we are only just stepping into the wonderful month of ghouls, ghosts and everything that's damn creepy, it's looking like BENI has our Halloween party playlists covered with this new mix.

The distorted vocals and steady beat of the first few tracks let you get into the mood of a smooth sort of party. It's sly, there's whispers buzzing through the light beat that just make you think something creepy is about to unfold. So the whole theme of the mixtape is pretty much laid out in the first four minutes.

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BENI definitely has a talent for creating an atmosphere with his tracks and mixtapes. October is definitely a bit of a darker month and he has caught that with a net of bouncy electronic tracks.

Words by Lauren Payne