With chemistry like this, we’re excited for the next time we get to hear the Known Associates on a track together. Cool shit.
Broken Tooth Entertainment is evolving. It's pleasing to see. We had a release from Fraksha, the English grime ruffian and shoe fetishist, earlier this year. BTE put that out, and a Scotty Hinds release can't be too far away. This is some progress from the longneck-smashing, paint-racking raps we first heard more than a decade ago. Ashes To Dust is another step forward. Known Associates are, essentially, a BTE supergroup: Maggot Mouf and BTE heavyweight Ciecmate. The two have combined to produce this, comfortably the most engaging release we've heard from Broken Tooth yet.
Ciecmate's beats are the centrepiece. Title track Ashes To Dust is frenetic boom-b-boom-bap. Beware Of Bio Chips is paranoia driven by monstrous drums and industrial clings and clangs. Short Shorts is as much fun as its title suggests. Mouf and Ciecmate's back and forth patter complement the canvasses neatly. Mouf is ocker, light-hearted and laddish. He'll ask you nicely for all your money, laugh, then snatch your wallet and run off. Ciecmate is more relaxed and menacing; walking softly and carrying a big stick. The effect of the two styles combined – especially when they trade bars on No/Live In The Studio – is greater than the sum of its parts.
While the finished product could have done with a quick review from a sub-editor (we spotted two typos at first glance) and both Mouf and 'Mate rehash similar themes throughout, these quibbles are easily brushed aside by listening. With beats like this Ciecmate can make a realistic claim to being among the nation's best producers. With chemistry like this, we're excited for the next time we get to hear the Known Associates on a track together. Cool shit.