Fear & Love & Clowns

16 May 2013 | 1:37 pm | Matthew Ziccone

If you want to laugh and be surprised, go see this. If you are scared of clowns, this might just make you love them.

This show is way too lovable to go unnoticed this year. It's a clown show with a lot of heart and some pretty dark overtones. The chemistry on stage between the performers is simply incredible, with comic timing always working for the audience and a story so simple and effective that if it weren't for some slightly disturbing yet hilarious moments, you wish you could take kids to it. But this is its charm. The show takes you to a child-like state where you want to cheer and wave to these amazing performers. When its slightly adult moments come out, it shocks, surprises and further entertains. The clown who starts the show has this Roberto Benigni feel to him. You want him to win. You want him to get the girl. And when something bad happens to him you want to stand up and fight. One hidden power to this show is its music and sound effects, most made off stage, which just add to the world of the performers. A classic jazzy vibe makes this feel like a classic clown show, but the modern writing and adult humour really brings clowning into this century. If you want to laugh and be surprised, go see this. If you are scared of clowns, this might just make you love them.

Malthouse Theatre to Saturday 18 May