In a word: Refreshing
Ok, you've all heard and probably recited a few bass players jokes in your time. 'What's the difference between a bass player and…[insert joke here]'. It's seemingly an inherent part of any light-hearted musical banter. However, like all things, these jibes are usually born out of generalisations. Often gross exaggerations and misinformed opinion.
Sometimes, there's certain performances that just make you sit back, devote your attention and appreciate sincere talent when it's delivered in understated form. Debut solo album from former Animosity and Reflux, and current The Faceless bassist Evan Brewer might just fit that criteria. Entitled 'Alone', this full-length is a snapshot of individual creativity, musical proficiency and a fondness for a sound often pushed to the background.
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While skeptics may frown and cross their arms at the thought of an album entirely and solely devoted to just the bass, 'Alone' quickly alleviates any such concerns. In a nutshell, it's a refreshing change of pace. And that's a damn good thing. This isn't a death metal, 'let's see how fast I can perform finger aerobics across the fret board' type of record. Instead, the tone and sound favours groove and subtlety, mild instrumental tones and genre variety.
An initial listen to 'Altered Perspective Two' and you're immediately sold. It's chilled, relaxed and assured, with a sound that would fit in any rock listeners diet or rather be used as a lazy Sunday afternoon unwinding soundtrack.
'Currency' sounds a bit like the stylings found on Scale the Summit's impressive earlier released, instrumental album 'The Collective'. 'Looking West' again fits in with the laid-back aesthetics. Additiionally, things get a little funky at the start of 'Actualize'.
While instrumental albums (particularly those with just one instrument) can get a tad tedious after while, 'Alone' sustains enough interest for all it's endeavours.
Make no mistake, this is no vanity project. This is not a means for Brewer to pompously show off everything he has learned while practicing in his bedroom or jamming on the road over the years. 'Alone' is instead a clear and honest construct that offers it's own interpretations. Give it a go, you'll be the poorer for not listening.
In a little over 27 minutes, Evan Brewer turns the bass stereotype on its head. 'Alone' is a promising, ten-track offering that highlights the possibilities that can be achieved when a little thought and effort is applied. Let's hope this same application makes it's way onto the new Faceless record.
1. Actualize
2. Contraband
3. Currency
4. Altered Perspective One
5. Altered Perspective Two
6. Vertigo
7. The Decline
8. Degenerate
9. Looking West
10. A Climate for Change