David J: 50 Shades

8 April 2013 | 8:52 am | Ben Meyer

However, for someone wanting some “serious” comedy, this show is definitely worth checking out.

David J's 50 shades is a difficult show. It has funny moments, serious moments, moments of charades and moments that just don't really work at all. J's show delves into how sexuality is perceived in today's society. It centers on his critique of a single line of Katrina Lumsden's review of the polemic 50 Shades of Grey. Needless to say, the show is also quite eclectic.

However, while Mr J starts well the show does drag and feels amateurish. Indeed, by his own admission he couldn't remember most of his lines by the technical rehearsal on the first night. Furthermore, due to the title of the show he has attracted a crowd expecting something different. This marketing decision has failed him as a quarter of the audience walked out on the night of the review. However, for someone wanting some “serious” comedy, this show is definitely worth checking out.