A captivating album that shows off the technical side of doom.
Two years since their last full length release, ‘Monnos,’ UK doom metal outfit, Conan are back in business. Known for their heavy brand of doom metal with ideal structured songs, thet band is well adept at pulling through a risky and, at times, over done genre. Latest album, ‘Blood Eagle’ (also their debut on the label Napalm Records), brings us some of the band's heaviest works so far.
Conan manage to set the bar higher with each album, making progress and showing off new skills. This serving is no exception with heavy doom leaving heads banging while the technicality, structure and great instrumentals are also all there equally.
The full-length introduction, ‘Crown of Talons,’ a 10-minute track, feels like it’s pulling you through the darkest atmosphere, through the mud and through the eerie war like cries. It is a fitting beginning to what is an all around intense album.
What is impressive is the structure and production of these tracks. They all work so well together and flow into one another. There are no tracks on here that seem like they don’t fit rather they all work together to make one colossal doom monster. Conan's sound is raw and meaty with excellent guitar riffs that shine through and set the group apart from any generic, same old doom metal sound. Songs such as ‘Altar of Gried’ really showcase these killer riffs and intense drum beats that show off the group's technical abilities.
Moreover, songs such as ‘Foehammer’ stand out with their catchy and evil sound. It is hard to pick favourites though with every note up until the end keeping you engrossed. The evil and sludgy thick feeling of 'Blood Eagle' wraps itself around you for the full 44 minutes and keeps you wanting more all the way.
'Blood Eagle' is an album which rises above the generic doom structure, showing off Conan's technical abilities with monster riffs, killer drum beats and an interesting vocal style. The album flows well together and the entirety is a journey you will not want to end.
1. Crown of Talons
2. Total Conquest
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3. Foehammer
4. Gravity Chasm
5. Horns For Teeth
6. Altar of Grief