The best example of local post hardcore in recent years.
Within the first five seconds of 'The Same Sky', it’s obvious listeners are in for a hell of a ride.
Strumming the same note over and over doesn’t feel like an overused cliché, it just feels like it’s time to go. Caution:Thieves might be unassuming upstarts but their music has an obvious purpose.
'The Lights Look Brighter On The Other Side' feels like a song that got lost ten years ago and just found its way to the light, and does so in the best way possible. The screamed vocals have enough edge to stay organic but also maintain studio quality.
It’s the clean vocals however, that are the absolute highlight. Somehow hitting notes reminiscent of Dallas Green’s efforts in the early days of Alexisonfire, they’re simply sheer aural pleasure. Equally, the bass pops out occasionally and reminds everyone it’s possible to make a hell of a lot out of simplicity.
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Halfway through the title track, empty electronic ambience kicks in alongside both styled vocals and brings with it feelings of genuine emotion. The music is given an assertive pulse, which sees the musicians give it all they have. 'The Same Sky' feels richer for it, with this obvious talent giving it an ideal backdrop to be embraced by listeners. On that note, the screamed vocals are present through a large part of each clean sung section. Personal preference will ultimately determine whether this is a highlight or simply too much.
When both vocalists are screaming, “I’m so tired of feeling so fucking useless” during album closer 'Reset.Renew' though, it’s a mix of serenity and catharsis that’s hard to achieve without one vocalist overshadowing another. Thankfully, this doesn’t occur in one of the album’s best lyrical sections.
Rather than outstaying their welcome, each song on the five track EP caps at the maximum of 3:37. The best possible outcome in this situation is that listeners are left wanting more, and that’s the main problem with 'The Same Sky'. As soon as the EP feels like it has hit its stride, it simply ends and it feels like a cruel joke for something so enjoyable to end so abruptly. Hopefully, more material makes its way out soon, as Caution:Thieves have easily cemented themselves as a hugely talented standout act in the Melbourne music scene.
1. The Lights Look Brighter On The Other Side
2. Homecoming
3. The Same Sky
4. Something More...
5. Reset. Renew