Live Review: All Our Exes Live In Texas

13 October 2014 | 5:13 pm | Angus Randall

All Our Exes Live In Texas charm the pants of Adelaide - can they just come back already?

More All Our Exes Live In Texas More All Our Exes Live In Texas

It’s rare that the accordion is associated with happy memories, but All Our Exes Live In Texas are looking to repair the instrument’s reputation as it accompanies the group’s glorious harmonies.

The band is a folk collaboration between four Sydney singer-songwriters - Katie Wighton, Hannah Crofts, Georgia Mooney and Elana Stone - and from the moment the giggling foursome took to the stage it was clear it was going to be a relaxed show. The mix of guitar, ukulele, mandolin and accordion could in lesser hands be overly twee but in a live setting the accordion added grunt to the more delicate numbers.

There was no support act for the free gig so the band surprised with two sets. Highlights were the novelty logic song I’m My Own Grandpa, which was introduced as “a song by The Muppets” and a cover of The White Stripes’ Hotel Yorba with “favourite fella” changed to the more gender-appropriate “favourite sheila”. They also captivated the crowd with slower and sadder numbers including original Our Love Won’t Die.

It would be hard to find a lead Ex in the live show. Band members shifted from back-up to lead vocals with ease, but the best moments were when all four teamed up to harmonise. The ability to sing in a round was also impressive, although made it hard to sing along. This is not music to yell to, instead let the gorgeousness wash over you.

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The band admitted they’d “had some wine” during the break and the second half was sillier and looser. Hawaiian Nose Guitar featured half of the band on nose harmonies which have to be seen to be fully understood, and they struggled to get through the song without laughing. The group has been together for just over a year and the thrill that comes from sharing the stage shines through. A mix of covers, repurposed solo numbers from one of the band members and a few Exes' originals gave the band a depth of material which is rare for a group in their infancy.

The band returned to the stage for an acapella encore of You Are My Sunshine and left the audience utterly charmed. They’re looking to come back to “Radelaide” soon and those who have worn out their O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack would do well to check them out.