Watch DMA's Go Acoustic With Stripped-Back Rendition Of New Single 'Lay Down'

15 September 2015 | 1:25 pm | Staff Writer

Today it stands for "Damn Magnificent Acoustic"

Sydney-bred outfit DMA's have unveiled a surprising, super-lovely acoustic version of their new single Lay Down just a couple of weeks before the track's official release.

Performed for Red Bull as part of their Stripped Sessions programme, the band deliver a delicate and sublime version of their new song, revealing themselves to be comprehensively capable of delivering more with less, so to speak. Check it out below; it should help tide you over until the song drops proper (not to mention next year's impending, eagerly awaited full-length effort).

If you've been thinking that things have been a little quiet on the DMA's front of late, you haven't been imagining it - the lads have been killing it abroad in recent times, but they're about to touch back down in Australia following their international travels, and they're commemorating the occasion with a pair of homecoming shows later this month - the first, at Melbourne's Howler, on Friday 25 September; the second, at The Basement, in Sydney, the following night, 26 September.

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