And watch a man dance around in an American flag nappy for five minutes.
Help some young Aussie blokes get back to the US, help Link Meanie get his new album released on vinyl and help Queensland authors get a better chance of exposure.
Name: Gold Fields
Project: US Tour
Current Status: 70 pledges, 48% ($4,805) of $10,000 goal. Ten days remaining.
A big tour of the US has been planned, with Ballarat's finest indie kids Gold Fields hitting the road for 30 dates across the country this September and October. This is not going to be a cheap exercise, as you would imagine, so they're hoping some people will give them a bit of a leg-up to help cover costs.
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What do you get in return? Well obviously tickets are pretty pointless for Aussie readers, but if you want Gold Fields to DJ at your party you can pledge $1,500, you can get the Alison Wonderland remix of their song Dark Again and an unseen video for Treehouse if you pledge five bucks, or, if you wanna sit somewhere in the middle, you can drop $80 and get a limited edition art book.
Sun God Replica from Spooky Records on Vimeo.
Name: Sun God Replica
Project: New album on vinyl
Current Status: 56 pledges, 78% ($1,967) of $2,500 goal achieved. 14 days remaining.
Every band wants their record on vinyl these days, but there are some bands that just kinda need to have their LP pressed onto wax, Sun God Replica are one of them. The band is led by the great Lindsay McLennan, who you may know better as Link Meanie, and we've found that's a pretty good guarantee of quality over the years.
After selling a couple of hundred copies of their first record, they're ready to go with this second one and if you help them make it happen then you can get yourself a record for $20, a t-shirt for $25, a blue record for $30 or your very own Sun God Replica show (in Melbourne) for just $500! They will bring a small PA but won't be responsible for any EPA troubles you have.
Name: Golden Gate Presents
Project: Re-presentation of The Last Waltz
Current Status: 2% ($1,655) of $80,000 goal. 36 days remaining.
If you don't love The Last Waltz then there must be something wrong with the part of your brain that recognises musical brilliance. You can proibably stop reading now if you haven't already. But for those of us who do love the brilliant Martin Scorsese directed film that showcases the final ever performance from The Band, then this project is pretty great.
Golden Gate Presents brought together members of Furthur, Wilco, Cass McCombs, Marco Benevento, Nada Surf, Fruit Bats, Trixie Whitley, Gomez, Ween, Vetiver, Yellowbirds, The Lonely Forest, The Submarines, Antibalas, The Long Winters, Superhuman Happiness, Alecia Chakour, Wolf!, Hello Echo, Fruit Bats, Vetiver, Rob Burger, Michael Gladis, Beth Behrs and Tom Everett Scott to recreate the show in full and now they want to release it digitally and on DVD.
The five DVD set will cost you $135, but you can download it for just $35. If you don't really want the video then you can get the audio only for $25. The video should be ready for download at the end of next month.
We've covered some people over the past few months who have offered some pretty cool rewards, but a lot of the time the things up for grabs are a little drab. We're very excited, then, by the campaign launched for Pendulous Breasts Quarterly Presents: Madame Bainbridge's Compendium Of Primo Dong (Abridged), a zine that brings together writers from The Onion, The Colbert Report, Adult Swim, 30 Rock, Community, Kroll Show, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, and cartoonists from The New Yorker.
They have the greatest rewards we have ever seen:
For $100 a member of the editorial staff will take you out for a mani-pedi. For $200 editor in chief will cook you and a friend a complete duck dinner, but he gets to choose the music for the duration of the night. $1,000 gets you a karaoke party with the entire editorial staff and a celebrity impersonator of your choice or, for $7,500, they will shut down the campaign immediately, make you a five-foot-by-three-foot copy of the zine and you'll be the only person invited to their launch party, unless you decide you want to invite other people.
A flashing LED guitar pick has just reached its funding goal of $30,000; basically it's like a mini light show in your hand as you play.
After Campbell Newman decided that the annual Queensland Premier's Literary Awards wasn't worth the pissweak amount of money the government spent on it each year (God forbid the masses read more and become smart enough to realise he is a douche) a group of people decided to establish their own awards.
The Queensland Literary Awards require $20,000 to go towards mentoring and publishing the winners as well as keeping the grassroots initiative afloat. Help them if you can.