AMID Power 50: Ash, Ayoubi/Robinson, Dainty, James, Noble

28 June 2012 | 10:38 am | Scott Fitzsimons

SPA and theMusic present the AMID Power 50. Here's another five names.

We're up to 20 names now as SPA and theMusic present the AMID Power 50 - a list of the top 50 most powerful people in the Australian music industry.

In the lead-up to the release of the 48th Australasian Music Industry Directory [AMID] Tuesday 3 July, we're releasing five names on and five names through our newsletter Your Daily SPA every day. We're not telling you where in the top 50 they ranked, but in each list of five there is one person who has made the top ten of the annual list.

The next five:

George Ash – Universal Music Australia – President, Australasia
George Ash's public profile is more low-key than some other Aussie music executives, but his professional contribution is just as important. As the President, Australasia for Universal Music Australia, Ash drives what is still considered the biggest major label in the world (and will only increase the margin at the top if a certain deal goes through). One of his best moves has been acquiring and cementing indie labels such as Dew Process, Modular and Co-Operative under the Universal umbrella and given the label a strong footing outside of mega pop successes.

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Jason Ayoubi/Brett Robinson – Future Entertainment
Future Entertainment's future looks bright with co-founder Jason Ayoubi and Tour Director Brett Robinson at the helm. With co-founder Mark James taking a step back from the spotlight recently, Ayoubi and Robinson have been behind the push to move Future into Asia and other parts of the world. The move is to stabilise and fortify the event in Australia, which has been one of the nation's biggest festivals in recent years.

Paul Dainty – Dainty Group – CEO
One of the biggest names in touring, Dainty has brought some of the world's best musicians to the country but has also tried his hand at worlds of musical theatre and wrestling. With estimated earnings of $17.1 million last year (BRW Entertainment Rich List) Dainty provides a big economic post to the Australian music scene that inevitably trickles down into other aspects. He does well to represent the industry on a national stage as well.

Ian James – Mushroom Publishing – Managing Director
When you think music publishing in Australia one of the first names that springs to mind is Ian James. He's held the top post at Mushroom Publishing since 1986, which is before a some of today's industry was born. He sits on boards at APRA and AMCOS – positions which he's held since 1991 and 1988 respectively – and is part of a select group of music industry individuals that have held influence consistently over the last two decades. Particularly notable with music publishing back at the fore.

Peter Noble – Bluesfest – Director
As the Director of the world renowned Byron Bay Bluesfest, Peter Noble is on a mission to make Byron Bay the music capitol of the nation and keep Bluesfest at the centre of it all. Regularly regarded – both here and abroad – as one of the key events on the national calendar, not just in terms of music festivals, recent line-ups have included artists such as Bob Dylan, Cold Chisel, John Fogerty and Elvis Costello and the festival is expanding into something bigger than anything we've got at the moment.