Have your say! Tell the NSW Government what you think about the lockout laws

7 June 2019 | 5:08 pm | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

There's currently a NSW Government run lockout law review underway. What does this mean? Well, it means that now's the chance for you to share your experiences and give feedback on how the laws may have impacted you and Sydney's nightlife.

As reported by MusicNSW, the Parliament of NSW has put together a select committee who will be leading an inquiry into Sydney's night-time economy, looking particularly at the lockout laws.

It's a pretty simple process to do so; your submission can be as lengthy or quick as you would like it to be. Be sure to let them know about the impact that the lockouts may have had on you or your business.

Link to the submissions page can be accessed via the MusicNSW website.

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