It is glorious.
Splendour In The Grass' fan-favourite arts program will return in 2017 and we are already calling this a highlight of the festival because it features an inflatable sad Kanye West face — yes, this is a real thing.
Barcelona-based art group Hungry Castle (who were responsible for last year's giant pink turd) will return this year for Splendour Arts to deliver a 10-metre high inflatable resting-bitch face of the iconic rapper, posing the question — what can you put inside sad Kanye to make him happy?
Also featured this year is Splendour mainstay's house of horror walkthrough-themed Pickle's Funeral Parlour, the site-specific projection installation, Optical Ovals and the popular Arch Tunnel Response.
Splendour In The Craft will also return to the North Byron Parklands in 2017 to ensure fans can get creative and sticky (huh?) with names like Beci Orpin, Patience and Rachel from Fancy Free, Each to Own, Art Park, Polli and more.
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This year's Splendour In The Grass goes down from 21-23 July — for more details, click on theGuide or head over to the Festivals tab.