How Rolling Stone Got It Wrong On EDM

9 August 2012 | 11:31 am | Scott Fitzsimons

Rolling Stone chose their top dance albums of all time, Kris Swales reckons they got it all wrong.

Amidst the rise of 'electronic dance music' (or EDM) in America, earlier this week Rolling Stone named their 30 Greatest EDM Albums Of All Time. But regular contributor Kris Swales reckons they got it wrong.

In his rebuttal of the list - which included Skrillex - Swales slams the choices, stating, "Compiled by RS contributors Jon Dolan and Michaelangelo Matos, it's a short-sighted selection that reveals a limited grasp on the full depth and breadth of electronic dance music – otherwise known by lazy journalists (but not this jaded ex-raver) as 'EDM'."

Swales' full examination of the list, complete with 15 albums that he thinks should have made it, is available here.