Evanescence claim label tried to sabotage them

5 January 2014 | 1:17 am | Staff Writer
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Evanescence front woman Amy Lee have claimed that the band's label have tried to sabotage the band.

Evanescence front woman Amy Lee have claimed that the band's label Wind-Up Records have tried to sabotage the band. Lee has also claimed that the label owes the band roughly $1.5 million in royalties.

You can check out an excerpt from a report by TMZ below.

"Evanescence founder Amy Lee is waging war with her longtime record label … claiming the label all but ruined the group and in the process chiseled them out of more than a million bucks … TMZ has learned.

The singer claims Wind-Up Records hatched a plot to sabotage Evanescence by replacing its promoters with a bunch of idiots who ended up torpedoing the group with lame ideas.

Lee says to add insult to injury the label has withheld $1.5 million in royalties."