A couple weeks back, Sydney’s Devastator changed their name to DVSR, and it turns out it’s not just an acronym change.
A couple of weeks back, Sydney’s Devastator changed their name to DVSR, and it turns out it’s not just an acronym change.
You can read the explanation for the change in name from the band below, and remember, their upcoming debut album of the same name drops on November 23rd.
"To finally explain the name change...
Our decision to change the name was based purely on the new name DVSR being a hell of a lot more unique and making it a lot easier to keep up to date with us and our music. We had realised that our original name Devastator was too easily mixed up with and confused with other bands out there using the same name and we didn't feel it was representing our music to the standard we wanted it to.
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Before choosing the new name we wanted to make it as similar to Devastator as could be, to not confuse people. So we took four letters from that to create an acronym.
"Designed Via Strength & Respect".
This is also the title of our debut album to be released on the 23rd of November"
Check out their latest single, 'Shutdown...' just below.