‘WE Deliver’: Live Industry Steps Up To Offer Services Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

27 March 2020 | 1:25 pm | Staff Writer

"Our industry is competent and experienced in transforming sites from one purpose into another entirely."

Music industry workers and the crew that help make events happen are some of the most resilient, resourceful and productive individuals out there, and now they’re offering up their services to help the medical community amid the COVID-19 crisis.

Australia’s live entertainment industry has submitted an open letter to state and federal government departments urging them to utilise its services and workforce to help assist health and medical departments, which would be beneficial to both industries given how many entertainment industry works have been put out of work due to the impact of coronavirus.

The proposal is titled Emergency Temporary Medical Clinic Proposal, with Crew Care founding director Howard Freeman pointing out, “[Entertainment industry] professionals transform places of one use to another use everyday of their working lives.”

“We have niche skill sets, abilities and resources available unlike any other industries that could relieve the pressure on the public health and infrastructure system,” the open letter reads.

“Engineers, riggers, drivers, caterers, AC specialists, temporary structure suppliers, flooring and ground protection, electrical works, plumbing works, safety officers, furnishings, labour companies, security companies, sanitation and medical staff to name but a few. 

“Our proposal is to build temporary medical facilities across capital cities where our workforce and facilities are based. These proposed builds will be utilising greenfield sites close to existing hospitals so the timely use and proximity to existing medical staff and infrastructure is guaranteed.

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“The project also limits patient transport required, extra staffing and all separate facility requirements. This would then leave the regions in country and outback to the military to ensure facility works there are completed using their resources.

“This makes timely, geographic, delivery and financial sense. Our industry is competent and experienced in transforming sites from one purpose into another entirely. This process and the people involved are used to short timeframes, strict budgets, relentless hours, all conditions, always altering guidelines. WE deliver.”

The letter highlights other places around the world that have set up mobile clinics to deal with COVID-19, with Seattle and Thailand among others utilising parking garages, while also suggesting possible locations in Australia.

For more information about how COVID-19 is impacting the music industry, follow the link here.