CeeLo Green Quiet As Dispute With Festival Intensifies

28 May 2014 | 10:13 am | Staff Writer

Despite a sea of angry commenters, the R&B star appears unfazed by -- or unaware of -- his lasting impression

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In some respects, it's a difficult time to be a performer - if, say, an Alaskan town gets upset with you, the internet has made it possible for those of us on the other side of the world to hear about it. It stands to reason, then, as an artist, you'd want to take any opportunity you could following a controversy to get your side across in a succinct and non-inflammatory manner (even if the comment is deleted a day later).

CeeLo Green, however, apparently doesn't have the time for any of that - a quick glance at his social media feeds, and you'd be forgiven for assuming all had gone off without a hitch for his appearance at Riverfest in Arkansas this past weekend...

However, reports have emerged since Green's appearance that the performer was late to the show and played a significantly shorter set than he was contracted for - about 40 minutes rather than 75 - resulting in Riverfest organisers opting to withhold the unpaid portion of the singer's agreed fee.

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The festival commented in response to a patron on Facebook: "Riverfest management and staff were very disappointed in the situation and CeeLo's performance time, which did not meet the terms of our contract. We apologize to our festival goers and assure you that we are addressing the situation from a financial standpoint so that the limited performance budget we have is not spent on an act who did not meet the terms of our contract."

Riverfest board member Cheddy Wigginton explained to the Arkansas Times: "We have a signed contract that CeeLo would play a 75-90-minute show and it is our opinion he did not and for the sake of providing quality entertainment for our festival goers we decided to hold his final payment.

"I can't confirm the actual dollars involved but I can say that most entertainers require a 10-50% deposit and CeeLo's was on the higher end of the deposit range."

One status in particular on Green's Facebook page has been flooded with feedback from those in attendance at the Arkansas show. Although - importantly - there are a solid number of people who appear to still be in Green's corner, the overwhelming sense is that the state's citizens were none too impressed with the performance put on by the Voice US coach.

"So sad that you screwed over Arkansas like you did....We were so excited for you to come just so you can be a diva, really?!" resident Beth Conway Johnson offered.

"CeeLo, way to screw Arkansas over! Your show at Riverfest was a joke ... Have fun ripping folks off on the rest of your tour!" Charlie Kreps posted.

Some fans, however, such as Jason Dietzman, kept a cool head.

"Hey ceelo. No hard feelings but can I get my refund. Your [sic] still good in my book, just would like to see a full show," he wrote.

The US Memorial Day long weekend has meant an official statement from CeeLo's representation is still forthcoming, though Riverfest management expects to have spoken with them and obtained their position by tonight or tomorrow morning AEST.