Canberra Lockouts Rally To Go Ahead Despite Govt Backflip On Liquor Reform

28 July 2016 | 2:22 pm | Staff Writer

It's not over yet.

Despite the ACT government backing down on some controversial aspects of its proposed liquor reforms this week, Keep Canberra Open have confirmed that a rally protesting the lockouts is still going ahead this Saturday.

As The Canberra Times reports, the government abandoned plans to change closing times of bars and pubs, last drink cut-offs and increase fees of venues open past 3am.

Chief Minister Andrew Barr insists that if his government is re-elected come October, the now-scrapped liquor reform plans will not be brought to the table. 

"We have ruled out making changes to last drinks or closing times - now and in the future," Barr wrote on the Keep Sydney Open Facebook page.

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KSO yesterday announced on their social media page that the rally at Garema Place will still go ahead, despite the news. 

"Despite the changes, Keep Canberra Open supporters must remain vigilant as the Government has ‘put off’ but NOT ABANDONED making a decision on last drinks or closing times until after the election," the post reads.

"We must continue with our Rally to ensure the Government makes it clear what changes it will implement if it were to be re-elected."

Opposition Leader Jeremy Hanson questioned Barr's decision, suggesting that the move has been made purely to help his campaign leading up to the election in a few months. 

"It's fundamentally clear that this is a backflip based on the fact that we've got an election in a couple of months," Hanson said.

"Andrew Barr now is back-flipping and putting [Health Minister] Simon Corbell under a bus, blaming Simon Corbell for these proposals when they're part of a cabinet team.

"No one's buying it."