ABC Radio Australia Launches 'On The Record' Show That Platforms Pacific Islander Artists

3 July 2023 | 1:40 pm | Mary Varvaris

A weekly talanoa, On The Record begins on Tuesday, 4 July.

On The Record artwork

On The Record artwork (Source: Supplied)

ABC Radio Australia has launched a new series highlighting Pacific Islander voices, On The Record, hosted by Australian Music Prize judge Sosefina Fuamoli.

A weekly talanoa, On The Record begins on Tuesday, 4 July. You can listen to the program tomorrow at 4 pm PNG time, which is 4:00 pm AEST, 6:00 pm in Fiji, and 7:00 pm in Samoa via internet streaming or in your area through 24-hour FM stations. 

Interviewing some of the most exciting artists out of the Pacific region, including Tiana Khasi, Sprigga Mek, Joji Malani, Sorong Samarai’s Airileke and Kirrah Amosa, Fuamoli has extended an “open invitation to come in, hang out, and discover more about Pasifika artists who are creating in their homelands, away from their homelands and who are, most importantly, putting it on for their culture!”

She added, “I love being able to go on a journey with musicians and performers – whether it be about their own music and journey or the music they adore.

“The best interviews are the ones that don’t feel like interviews at all, and that’s what I hope On The Record will be for my listeners and guests.”

Fuamoli has extensive experience in Australian music journalism, having featured as a guest speaker on Double J, appearing on ABC NEWS Breakfast as a music correspondent, and with her writing available to read on Rolling Stone Australia, NME Australia, Junkee, Time Out, The Big Issue, The Australian and Australian Music Vault

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“We’re thrilled to welcome Sose Fuamoli to our line-up,” ABC Radio Australia head Justine Kelly said in a press release. “We’re thrilled to welcome Sose Fuamoli to our line-up. She’s one of Australia’s best music journalists and a champion for Pacific artists and music.

“Her industry and music knowledge, her love for the Pacific and her warmth as an interviewer will bring something different to listeners, introducing them to new and old music that they’ll love.”