Songs of love gone bad, back-stabbers, midnight ramblers, two-timers, hard-headed men and women, prisons, demons and personal devils.
The Rusted Heart Blues Band explores the best of blues and blues rock. Classics from Hendrix,Cream, Allman Bros, Rolling Stones, Taj Mahal, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson together with newand original blues .. raw, hard and heavy. No covers but interpretations.
Tim “Grizzly” Dell on bass and low growling, “Awesome” Anders Madsen, drums and lead vocals andRob “Reaper” Thomsett on guitar, vocals and harp go back to their early roots .. to the music thatshaped their musical lives. Music that hold memories for so many people.
As John Shands reported in The Sydney Morning Herald, “Rob plays the hell out of a guitar” and withAnders and Tim, Rob has found two other musicians who play the hell out of their instruments
All proceeds from this gig will be donated to the Children’s Tumour Foundation