Sarah Millican - Late Bloomer

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4 March 2025 starting 9:00 am

How much?

From: $81.06
To: $111.97



Running Times: Doors: 7:15pm. Start: 8:00pm. Finish: 10:05pm. Note all times are approximate and subkect to change. BOHM PRESENTS SARAH MILLICAN Late Bloomer When Sarah Millican was a child, she wouldn't say boo to a goose. Quiet at school, not many friends, no boobs til' she was 16. Now? NOW she is loud, with good friends, a cracking rack and goose booing all over the shop. In Late Bloomer, Sarah's brand-new stand-up show, she explores how one became the other. Plus, lots of stuff about dinners and lady gardens. Come along, laugh at her, with her, beside her.

Please Note:

MA16+ - all underage patrons must be accompanied by a Parent or Legal Guardian at all times. No one under 16 years of age will be admitted.

Ticket Limit Info:

Please note there is a ticket limit of 10 per customer.