Pure Jams Improv


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26 February 2025 starting 11:00 am

How much?

From: $10.2


Pure Jams: Holiday Edition is here! Come down in your best holiday attire, best costume wins a prize. Also, there will be cookies provided for a cheeky mid-jam snack

Expect a collaboration with Perths incredible music scene - an open jam sesh on stage at the Indian Ocean Hotel.

(Tix are $10 online or at the door)

Whether you’re a gigging muso, or a mate who’s there to enjoy the vibes, this is your newest midweek hangout. We are excited to get groovin’ as we create a space for your chance to jam spontaneously & play with others. This new community is an open jam where you can share your energy and love for music.

How does it actually work?

For those keen to jump on stage, our house band are ready to switch out with enthusiastic musicians. There will be no setlists, or pre-planned songs. Say hello, hop up, and:

- Play in the key and pick up the chords by ear, or ask the house band what they are playing

- Communicate with other on-stage jammers to get comfortable

- Singers/rappers can harmonise or mess around with phrases, lyrics or in the moment ideas

- Share the stage & switch out whenever you’re ready, capping at 15 to 20 mins as we keep it rotating!

- ps you can hop up with friends/your music mates!

We’ve also got mics ready for vocalists, brass, woodwinds, or whatever instrument you want to bring (bonus points if it’s a sax).

Bring your sound… & BRING A FRIEND!

Instagram: @purejamsperth