Left North Left EP Party with Unscored and Fool Me Twice


Search Gigs


20 March 2025 starting 8:00 am

How much?

From: $16.35


Do you like catchy alt-rock with far too many lyrics and an infectious sense of humour? Do you find yourself perpetually confused by the world at large, and panic at the thought of picking an entree off a convoluted menu under duress?

If so, this gig is for you!

Left North Left is a light-hearted alt-rock band with a penchant for whimsy and a surf rock meets post punk meets 60s psych pop sound. Join them for the celebration of their first EP!

They’re joined by two similarly rad bands, Unscored and Fool Me Twice, and have one goal in mind: deliver an evening of foot-bopping tunes that leaves you remarking “hey, that was pretty nifty” and “huh, I’ll never think of chat bots in the same way again.”

Book your tickets today for one easy payment of $15, and direct all questions/complaints to their instagram @leftnorthlefttheband.