Eternal MMA #93

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22 February 2025 starting 6:30 am

How much?

From: $85.57
To: $125



Approximate Running Times: Doors: 2:30pm First Fight: 3:00pm Finish: 8:30pm Passouts are not available for this event. Handheld and walk through metal detectors may be used at this event for all patrons prior to entry.

Please Note:

IMPORTANT Children 17 years and younger must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times whilst in the venue. A responsible adult is a legal guardian, parent, step-parent or any other person who has control of and responsibility for the juvenile. ID checks will be conducted at the entry to the venue. Children under 3 years are admitted for free, provided they do not occupy a seat.

Accessibility Info:

Please call Ticketmaster's accessible seating line if you have wheelchair, companion card or special needs booking requirements on:

1300 446 925 (Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm AEDT only).

Please note this phone number is reserved for patrons with accessibility requirements and companion card holders.

Alternatively, you can submit your accessible booking via our request form, by following the steps on the below link.

Ticket Limit Info:

A maximum of 10 tickets per customer applies.