CANCEL OR KEEP | Competitive Stand-up Comedy ft. Sam Bowden & more

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20 February 2025 starting 8:30 am

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From: $18.65


CANCEL OR KEEP | COMPETITIVE STAND-UP COMEDY ft. SAM BOWDEN & MORETICKET INCLUDES 1 x FREE DRINK!Grab your mates and head to the Burdekin Hotel this October for Cancel or Keep, a night of stand-up comedy with a twist!With just a few minutes to impress, over a dozen stand-ups crack their best jokes, with live (and anonymous) audience voting to determine whether or not they should be booted off stage. Exciting new talent is showcased alongside comedy circuit pros – making for a hilarious, always entertaining night!Who are the clowns? Who should get the comedy crown? The power is in your hands!This competition is friendly but fierce – sometimes the biggest laughs of the night go to the material that bombs! Come crack a rib and discover your next favourite comic.HEADLINER: SAM BOWDENComedian, writer, actor, dandy, and co-host of the 'Whoa, Free Lunch!?' podcast, Sam Bowden has been plying his trade both in Australia and in the UK since 2012. Having worked alongside the biggest names in comedy and opened for the likes of Danny Bhoy, Brian Posehn and Lawrence Mooney, Sam has taken shows to nearly every major arts festival in the country. His 2024 sell-out show “Don’t Panic! (It’s Happened Before)” earned him rave reviews, and was selected by the Sydney Morning Herald as one of the best of the Sydney Comedy Festival.HOST: BETTIE BLACKHEARTA fierce entertainer, Sydney drag queen Bettie Blackheart is fun, flirty and loves to tease an audience. Hold onto your husbands this mischievous Queen knows how to make any event 10 times spicier!

FULL LINE-UP Sam Bowden | Riv Narak | John SwilksNathan Moss | Sheel Ramdan | Elih JacksonLochlann McAllister | heath | Juni | Gereon | EaswarFabiola | Gemma Urban | Dane Hiser | Lucille MacKellarDETAILSThursday 20 FebruaryBurdekin Hotel, Level 12-4 Oxford St DarlinghurstDoors at 7.30pmShow from 8.00pm Come early to order dinner and a drink from the Burdekin menu. We don't close the doors at any point, so no worries if you're a bit late! Our Thursday Food Special is $16 pizzas, with five delicious options to choose from.If you arrive early with time to kill, check out the Burdekin Rooftop!