Ben Thompson Live as Elvis - The Ultimate Experience

Search Gigs


5 April 2025 starting 8:30 am


Anita's Theatre

264-270 Lawrence Hargrave Dr


2515 NSW

How much?

From: $52.29
To: $72



Running Times: Doors - 6:30pm Start - 7:30pm Act 1 - 45 minutes Interval - 20 minutes Act 2 - 45 minutes *Times are approximate & subject to change.

Please Note:

This event has been cancelled Children's Policy This event is all ages. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. Children under 2 years are admitted free provided they do not occupy a seat. Accessible Seating & Companion Card Holder: Accessible seating and accompanying Companion can be purchased online. Bookings including a Companion Card ticket can only be collected from the Box Office. The Companion Card must be presented upon collection. For updated show times please click here

Accessibility Info:

Accessible seating can be purchased online.

If you have any questions please call Ticketmaster's Accessible Seating Line.

1300 446 925


Online by following the link below

Submit a help request via

Please ensure you include the Event Name, Venue, Date and Time along with your contact details.

Venue INFO

Wheelchair patrons should enter the venue from the carpark at the rear of the venue

(entry via King St).

Entry to the venue via the front entrance involves climbing around 20-30 steps.

Patrons unable to climb stairs should enter the venue from the carpark at the rear of the venue (entry via King St).

For non-wheelchair patrons, all Box seats are easily accessed via a ramp, once inside the auditorium:

Ticket Limit Info:

A limit of 10 tickets per customer applies to this event.