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19 July 2025 starting 3:30 am

How much?

From: $56.65


Abreastival is a one-day, folk-festival-style event curated by The Maes in celebration of their album Abreast coming out on July 18th.

Abreastival will be a celebration of love, folk music and community.

Featuring some of the most exciting voices in contemporary folk music in its many forms including Jem Cassar-Daley, Jacob Diamond, Eils and the Drip and Golden Scissor Puppets.

The day will also feature a singing workshop presented by The Maes, a puppet making workshop and an Open Mic event featuring members of the audience, friends and family of The Maes and secret special guests.

Special Guests:

Jem Cassar-Daley, Jacob Diamond, Eils and the Drip and Golden Scissor Puppets