Watch: Everything Everything - Distant Past

25 February 2015 | 11:00 am | Liam Apter
Originally Appeared In

Everything Everything are back with new haircuts and a new tune..

More Everything Everything More Everything Everything

Distant Past, the first single off Everything Everything’s third record Get To Heaven is a shift away from their quirky-yet-catchy tracks into more straight down the line singles. However, the video clip’s use of a future world (note the keyboard) that has regressed still puts them to the left of centre. Distant Past also retains a sense of personality sonically by slamming future-pop elements into a hodge-podge of synthesized vocals. And that mixture of mechanical voices all the way down to lead singer Jonathan Higgs’ Kele Okereke-esque falsetto is intriguing. And when you consider the organic and electronic elements that appear in this video the idiosyncratic nature of the track sort of makes sense. Everything Everything have toyed with this perception of the future before in earlier clips like Cough Cough. But the idea that it’s the future could be wrong and the keyboard could be a link to their song QWERTY Finger?

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