WAM Festival Artist Profile: Benjamin Witt

3 November 2015 | 1:42 pm | Artist Submission

"At the last WAM gig I played, an elderly woman approached me afterwards and told me I looked just like her deceased son."

Member/Role: Head Chef 

Short description of your band and music: One dog's home made sonic slushie. 

Best WAM-related story? At the last WAM gig I played, an elderly woman approached me afterwards and told me I looked just like her deceased son. She asked me to say "goodbye Mum!" when she left the bar to relive her cherished memory. It was weird but I obliged. I was then expected to pick up her $537 bar tab with the bartender declaring "your Mother said you'd pay!" He wouldn't believe me when I told my story. I later found her crowd surfing to Sugar Army and I tried to pull her down to confront her. I had to pull at her leg in a very similar fashion to the way I'm pulling yours right now. 

What do you think separates the WA music scene apart from the rest of the country? Eucla.   

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What WA bands are you vibing on right and why? Mudlark - An innovative and wild ride of rhythm through the fog of suspenseful, verb drenched chords. Off the grid! Methyl Ethel - Top shelf craftsmanship, 100% strike rate and Tom is an iconic adonis. Rabbit Island - Amber's music embodies all that is inspiring and humbling about her amazing mind and heavy heart.  

Why should people come and see you from amongst the many cool bands at WAM? Because I'm a narcissist and your validation would mean the world to me. Please follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter and make sure to "like". I give good blow jobs.  

What's on the horizon for you? I put out a digital only record in august called audio-illogical backyard dog and I've just finished a second record with a much different approach called Future Reset which I'll probably dispense on New Years Day. 

WAM Festival performance: RTRFM's courtyard club show, 6 Nov