The Top 30 Albums Of 2020 (So Far): Violent Soho - 'Everything Is A-OK'

1 July 2020 | 2:10 pm | Jessica Dale

'The Music' team on the albums you need to hear from 2020.

More Violent Soho More Violent Soho

"Shelf Life's chaotic construction brings Violent Soho’s maniacally twisted grandeur to the forefront." Emily Blackburn

Mansfield's finest are back with their long-awaited album, Everything Is A-OK, and if we told you this wasn't on repeat during the early days of our isolation we would be telling some pretty hefty fibs...

"It's so much more comfortable in the sound as a record because we just gave ourselves so much more breathing room," vocalist and guitarist Luke Boerdam told The Music around the album's release. 

What has come from that breathing room is some of the band's best work to date; the tone-setting opener Sleep Year, the reflective Slow Down Sonic, the condemning Vacation Forever and the haunting A-OK.  

Everything Is A-OK represents a new era of Violent Soho.

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