A fresh new duo who are smashing it with their debut EP, Don't Kick The Cat..
Kadington have been working together for a couple of years now, but 2015 sees them launching very quickly into the stratosphere. The duo are launching in line with the release of a new mobile game called Breakneck. The game features one of the duo's tracks as part of the soundtrack, and with links to grab the EP, Kadington already find themselves sitting pretty at #1 on the NZ iTunes Dance Charts. The single in the game - Breakneck - features alongside four other tracks on the Don't Kick The Cat EP, which you can stream below followed by some words on each track from Kadington themselves. Breakneck is available as a bonus track when you purchase the track via iTUNES.
We're treating this as our lead single, although ironically it was the fastest record to write. The concept was already so developed in our head, that it was easier to execute. You'll hear that all our music is heavily synth driven. We LOVE layers. This one is a bit of a roller coaster, kicking off with deep percussion and dropping into a portamento high-pitched lead synth. Sending love to Aston Shuffle for this one too, as they popped our triple j cherry with it!
Wow, the never-ending project. This track has over 110 track layers. Any producers out there will sympathise with how painful it was to mix down, but it was ultimately rewarding in the end. After a few months we were finally happy to tick this one off as complete, and technically (from a production stand point) it sits as the track we're most proud of today. We like to think the name represents the journey it takes you on, the rising and falling chord progressions.
Here is our crack at a 8's Miami inspired discoey-house jam thingy-mabob! We don't know what that means, but hopefully you just pictured yourself rolling down the street in summer with your hair in the wind. Essentially, we just want this track to spark happy emotions, and perhaps even leave you thinking "what have I been doing for the last few minutes", proceeding to realise the record hypnotised you into a day dream.
We wrote Ghetto Blaster after first signing the Breakneck game collaboration. What started out as a video game concept soon turned into a full-length song that we decided to showcase. The rolling synth-driven bassline sits as curveball on the EP, but also to show another side of Kadington. Something perhaps a little stronger in consistency, but that also kept the Kadington flavour. As a byproduct for the intended game, it sets a pace and creates this sense of pursuit, cops vs. street racer vibe!
Creating a record for a specific purpose was a different experience entirely. The goal was to create a soundtrack that captured desperation, darkness and an urgency as the world lies in turmoil and you race through the stages. Hopefully we achieved that, but we highly recommend checking out the game regardless, as designers PikPok are rad, and Breakneck sent more than 1.2 million gamers to check out our very first EP!