Which act are you paying tribute to and why? Paying tribute to Pink Floyd, predominantly their '70s catalogue. Let's face it, why wouldn't you pay tribute to the gods!
What was their best period musically? Mid to late '70s when Pink Floyd's sound, lyrics and musicianship evolved when Gilmour and Waters solidified their vision and created some of the most iconic musical works ever recorded.
Your favourite song of theirs and why? The song that resonates most strongly with me is Comfortably Numb. The essence of the song mirrors the journeys we've all felt at some point in time and it's a damn good solo.
Which album of theirs would you give to a newbie who had no idea about them to best represent them? Dark Side Of The Moon definitely. It covers so much ground musically and gives a taste of the past and a flavour of the future.
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When and where is your gig(s) giving them the nod? 27 & 28 May, The Basement; 3 Jun, Dee Why RSL; 4 Jun, Laycock Street Theatre, Gosford.