Tipping The Hat: Heartworn Highway

17 June 2016 | 4:35 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Diego Zaragoza.

Band: Heartworn Highway.

Which act are you paying tribute to and why? Gram Parsons, because he was responsible for melding country, rock, folk, blues and soul into an undefinable genre of its own.

What was their best period musically? Aside from being heavily responsible for the most iconic Byrds album, his solo albums with Emmylou Harris are where he captured a lot of his most memorable recordings.

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Your favourite song of theirs and why? Return Of The Grievous Angel. Aside from having such a strong musical arrangement, the story he tells is so vivid, and it gives us strong insight into what his world was all about.

Which album of theirs would you give to a newbie who had no idea about them to best represent them? I'd probably start with Grievous Angel and work your way backwards. Grievous Angel is just full of such finely crafted tunes, and is probably the most developed force of Gram himself.

When and where is your gig giving them the nod? 10 Jul, Memorial Hall, Bello Winter Music festival.