These New South Whales S2 launches today, check out an exclusive clip from it

9 May 2018 | 7:30 pm | Pilerats
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Airing exclusively on Comedy Central ANZ, the group have a point to prove..

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After a widely-adored first season, Australia's favourite nipple-tape-wearing, pub-punk-destorying rascals These New South Whales return today for Season 2, out exclusively through Comedy Central Australia & New Zealand. With a team behind it that in the past have worked on the likes of Summer Heights High and Modern Family, season 2 features a ridiculously long list of camero appearances across eight episodes, as the band once again struggle through delusions of grandeur. Mind you when they've got their own huge tour bus, hang out with washed up child stars on the reg and are constnatly attacked by their idols, you can't blame 'em.

To whet your whistle, here's an exclusive clip from them visiting Linda Marigliano in the triple j studios to express their frustration at getting left behind in Australia, while overseas markets are chomping at the bit to pick 'em up.

You can watch the full series now via the COMEDY CENTRAL ANZ WEBSITE, and it will also be airing on Comedy Central ANZ via Fetch TV channel 108 and SKY NZ channel 11. 

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