They're a varied breed of thirsty people..
Drake once quipped in what has become part of everyday life alongside a mixtape title to boot, 'What A Time To Be Alive,' and after going through Shotta_texts_ldn that saying couldn't be more correct. This Instagram profile covers all the types of dealers you'll meet, finding them at their most thirsty, incessant, confusing and overly-friendly. They're a strange type of person at best; they'll hype up their wares so hard only for you to be disappointed later in the night, they'll text you for months on months without even stopping for breath because you're caught in their circle and that's if you've met them once fucked off your face at a gig. Some of the types you'll meet are the paranoid dealers:
The Dealers Who Is A Legend And You Give A Nickname
The Unreliable Dealers
The Dealers That Over Hype Their Wares
The Randomly Friendly Dealers
The Politically In Tune Dealers
The Desperate Dealers
The Dealers With A business Card
The Dealers Who Try To Drop Their Mixtapes In
The 'I'm not a drug dealer anymore' dealers