The pub rock heroes we need/want/deserve/love offer the definitive art to punching darts..
Last week Aussie bastions of all things tailor-made, The Durries launched their 7-track EP We Build Schools and it made us smile a little inside. While in reality smoking sucks (half the office has just launched their own quit campaign), it's hard not to love what The Durries are all about. And so we thought we'd get their take on the craft which they sing about so well. So here's that EP stream again, followed by the group's Ten Tobacco Tips:
Tip #1: Don’t be a Sloppy Sam - roll and smoke your darbs with the care and attention they deserve.
Tip #2: If you’re a man on the go - learn to roll a darren with one hand and you’ll never have to put your XXXX Gold down again.
Tip #3: A menthol is not a cigarette.
Tip #4: If a friend has durries, you have durries. And it goes both ways.
Tip #5: There are two types of people in this world - ones' that buy lighters and ones' that knick 'em.
Tip #6: The source of your light must always be from the most good looking girl in the room, regardless of if you may already have one.
Tip #7: Don’t ever tuck a dart behind your ear - you’re better than that.
Tip #8: If you ever ask someone for a cigarette and they hand you a pouch of “Manitou Organic”, avoid small talk at all costs. Just roll, light and get the fuck out of there before the hippy rant begins.
Tip #9: There’s nothing like a durry on the shithouse.
Tip #10: Be prepared to suddenly become extremely unhealthy and possibly die, but never complain about it. If it does happen to you, be a man, do it for Brian.
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