"The things that inspire us are the same things that keep all of us up at night - good, bad or indifferent."
The Blackeyed Susans have had plenty of bizarre inspiration in the past and, according to bassist Phil Kakulas, the new album is no deviation, featuring "references to Dr Seuss, Leonard Cohen, Frank Sinatra, Astor Piazzolla, Socrates, Oedipus Rex and Lady Macbeth".
The new LP, Close Your Eyes And See, follows the tried and tested songwriting method that Kakulas and co have honed over nearly three decades. "The album is our response to the beautiful, brutal world we all live in," he says. "The things that inspire us are the same things that keep all of us up at night - good, bad or indifferent. The world throws so much at you, you've got to throw a little back." As sure as The Blackeyed Susans are of their songwriting abilities, Kakulas says that the band will always search for a higher meaning through music. "You want to catch the bird without killing it, as Tom Waits once said of the recording process. In many ways this album is the culmination of our 25 years together. With each album we get a little closer to the truth." Kakulas continues, "exploring endless opportunities takes time. Time can be expensive. You wanna buy a little time? It's gonna cost you. Endless opportunities also means endless options. That's gonna create commitment issues for anybody. Be sure, be true."
Whether or not the band ever figure it all out, Kakulas promises plenty of surprises when The Blackeyed Susans tour Close Your Eyes And See. "Like the magicians of old we will pull the rabbits from our hats and the doves from our sleeves. We shall endeavour to cast spells. A band is a ten-handed juggler. Don't drop the balls. That's the first rule of showbiz."