Superfluid: ‘Vark Off!

25 November 2002 | 1:00 am | Mike Gee
Originally Appeared In

The Grapest Love.

Superfluid play Bottom Heavy at the Moonbar on Friday and Adventjah Night One at the Arena on November 29

Local Brisbane hip-hop maestros Superfluid are starting to see everything just go right. After three years of waiting, Sydney label Creative Vibes has finally come through with releasing their debut album, 8 Bit Crunch to nationwide acclaim. The lead single ‘The Grape’ is sliding it’s way up the slippery pole that is the Triple J Net 50, and without a doubt they’ll be touring their particular sound to our southern cousins early next year.

Hows all the Triple J attention about The Grape treating you?

“It's keener than Commander Keen and his feathery offsider Keeno The Budgie. We considered calling the track Ethel The Aaardvark Goes Quantity Surveying as it was the initial image conjured up by listening to the song but decided on a dude in a Grape suit bouncing around instead and Triple J obviously agree! We're hoping the follow up Triple J selecta will be the 8-bit C64 classic Knucklebusters. Old skool computer nerds of the world unite!”

I hear there's a new Superfluid studio.

“Me bruvva and I are now officially mortgage ridden but one of the joys of getting your own digs is that the spare room becomes a music studio! A bit of sound proofing and sensible usage of space later and voila instant bedroom studio goodness. We'll be netcasting ourselves noodling tunes from our webpage soon and I figure if we do it butt naked we might turn it into a porn cam and earn some extra loot from the pervy proletariat.”

So how do you manage to play live?

“SF are a very versatile bunch (thanks to laptops) and can happily be one, two, three, four, five or more people and still sound roughly the same albeit with less limbs. It's simply a case of each person does one or two things each and the computer does the rest (especially fixing up our crap timing. Obfuscating is the word often used to describe us.)”

When's the national tour coming?

“We're booked for Lucid in Sydney for February and are finalising a return tour to WA. Adelaide, Perth and Melbourne are certainties for 2003. We're still pushing for BDO 2003 but shall count on nothing until we're on stage... and that's only until security remove us as we try plug in and bash out a tune in the middle of (insert fave band here)’s set.”