What's the song about?
It's about being young and wanting to experience everything in life but it's not always realistic and reality isn't always good.
Is this track from a forthcoming/existing release?
It's on our new EP with the same title that's about to be released.
How long did it take to write/record?
All up it was probably a couple of months. We did it in bits and pieces where we could inbetween touring. It was kind of different to the way we normally write because before we had a lot more time to relax and have fun with it.
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making?
Hearing a lot of new bands with different sounds while we were touring around last year was really inspiring and made us think a lot more about the different things we can do with each song.
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What's your favourite part of the song?
Probably the bridge/solo. We weren't sure what to do for that part when we were writing and then we started jamming on this chord progression and it all came really quickly and naturally after that. I like the urgency it has to it and love playing it live.
Do you play it differently live?
We play it all the same except the solo. I usually just play whatever I feel for that part!
Will you be launching it? (Please list venue and date if available)
Yep. We're playing at The Standard with The Delta Riggs and Kingswood on Friday 27 April.
For more info see: