Square Sounds Festival Focus: Robert Parker

19 February 2016 | 4:16 pm | Artist Submission

"I was one of the first in my neighborhood to play Nintendo when it came out so anything from that console."

Where are you from? Sweden

What's your favourite thing about chipmusic/the chiptune scene? The versatility and the infinite possibilities when you create. Instant nostalgia. Happy people. Great party music!

What track would you recommend newbies to chip music check out as a gateway song? The Mega Man 2 soundtrack, the opening track. That game had a huge influence on my music.

What influences your music the most? Movies, games and commercials from the 1980s and 1990s. I was one of the first in my neighborhood to play Nintendo when it came out so anything from that console.

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What's your favourite piece of equipment and why? My Moog Prodigy. Can do almost anything.

What's your favourite video game and why? Mega Man 2. Awesome game music.

What can we expect from your set at Square Sounds? I'm bringing some vintage gear to preform my tracks with, to get in the right mood. Love to improvise so who knows what will happen!

What day and time are you playing at Square Sounds? 4 Mar, 10.50pm.

Square Sounds Festival is held at Evelyn Hotel on 4 & 5 Mar.