Six Pack: Rev Sunday

15 August 2012 | 1:45 am | Staff Writer

"I guess because we’re all surfers, we’re on the same wavelength and understand the feeling you get from a good surf. It’s similar to playing music: nothing else matters."

“It's been a great experience,” says Patey of the process of making Fortunate Fields. “We've released the EP through Facebook and triple j Unearthed available for free download. It's been great fun working with the boys making these tracks, we've learned a lot and know what works for us now, and we've been lucky enough to have Sahara Beck as a featured artist working with us on our next EP. It's incredible how someone so young can inspire us so much.”

When it comes to what it is about the indie/surf/rock genre that attracts him so, Patey is adamant that it's all about the fun.

“We've been in other bands of different genres before and none have the same vibe we get from indie/surf/rock. It's all about having good times with close friends and having a positive outlook on life. Also I guess because we're all surfers, we're on the same wavelength and understand the feeling you get from a good surf. It's similar to playing music: nothing else matters. So the feeling that comes from that comes out through our music in a way.”

Rev Sunday's listed influences are a reasonably eclectic lot. Is there a common theme running through them?

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“Well, we all listen to different genres of music, but if there had to be one that we all listen to and that reflects back to the music we make it would have to be indie. The common theme would be alternative. We've been getting into the Arctic Monkeys a bit lately and that definitely comes out when writing. At this point all members of our band have brought their own style and experiences to the band, which is cool.”