Answered by: Chris Donaldson
How would you personally describe shoegaze music? A medley of soundscape where each instrument is vital to how a band sounds.
How did you first discover shoegaze and what drew you in enough to actually perform it? Commonly, I was introduced to My Bloody Valentine. Being a guitarist, I was drawn in to the different sound being produced by Kevin Shields. From there, Robin Guthrie & Christian Savill.
What seminal album would you offer someone who knew nothing about shoegaze as an introduction and why? Again, probably a common answer... the album Loveless by MBV. Why? Cause it got me hooked.
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How's the camaraderie and size of the shoegaze scene in Melbourne? Everyone plays in each other's bands, supports each others shows and we are all friendly. It's great and keeps in the spirit of the original scene. Best thing is it isn't forced. 100% genuine.
The tagline for Roogaze is "The scene that celebrates itself" - what will be the biggest cause for celebration on the night? That everyone at Roogaze is at Roogaze and not Ed Sheeran.
What time are you playing the festival? 10.40pm.
Website link for more info?