Random Sample: Stats Life.

12 August 2002 | 12:00 am | Eden Howard
Originally Appeared In

Sample People.

Random Sample launch their self titled debut at Rocket at the Gabba Hotel on Saturday and play the Paddington Tavern on August 13, Beach Road on August 23, the Wynnum Tavern August 31 and the Clarence Corner Hotel on September 3.

Random Sample have wasted little time since getting together late last year. They’ve already got a swag of dates under their belts, and are using their appearance at Rocket on the weekend for the launch of their self titled debut CD.

“We decided to record our demo CD for promo use, but it turned out sounding great, and with the encouragement of a lot of people we ended up releasing it,” drummer Shane explains.

How would you describe what you’re doing musically?

“We are all doing the band because we really enjoy writing music and performing it mainly for ourselves. It's a extra bonus for us when the crowd likes it. We really don't like to label our music. All four band members bring in different influences into the band. Our live shows are very important to us - we always give 110%. We have a lot of movement on stage, it's not really to entertain the crowd but more because we really feel our music, we like to get right into it.”

You haven’t been together that long, tell us about your debut recording? Have you been working on the songs since day one?

“We originally went into the recording studio to record a demo CD, but we really surprised ourselves. It turned out good for what we payed for it. I think it is a raw live sound which is what we are about - playing live. There are six tracks on the CD, there are a couple of songs on there which we wrote when we first started out also there are new songs on there.”

Where did the band’s name come from? Is someone in the band a statistician?

“Nope. I think Joel (vocals) came up with the actual name, but we all have the same feeling about it. It's like most venues are only taking a random sample a bands weather they are good bands or not so good bands and only giving them a go, like with supports and bigger shows etc. I think there are so many great bands out there that haven't be given a chance because they haven't got a CD together yet or haven't been playing the live scene for all that long. We push Random Sample hard. We will play anywhere, it's not about how big the venue is or how many supports a band gets - we have played some of the best shows and have had the biggest crowd response in some of the dodgiest, smallest venues and we love it. We always want to go back to those places, but working to get a support spot with a good band is very hard, they always seem to keep using the same bands. I think give every one a go, there is so much talent out there.”