They launch it at The Sewing Room in a couple of weeks..
Braves are a Perth-based four-piece who've supported a heap of great bands over this way in the past, including Last Dinosaurs, The Jungle Giants, Cloud Control and Skegss, to go with a bunch of great music. That variety of support shows should give you an indication that their musical output is pretty varied as they've been developing their sound over the past couple of years. Where it stands now is a fast-and-loose brand of indie-rock no more perfectly encapsulated than on the sub-2-minute track we're sharing today, On My Way. We sent the band a few questions to help us (and you) get ot know 'em a little better, so check it all out below along with details of their upcoming single launch.
Tell us about yourselves:
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We're a Perth band seeing how far we can get on DIY recordings, no connections, and an empty bank account. We like our songs fast, our beers cheap, and our games with split screen multiplayer. We’ll play at your house party sometime.
What's the vibe, music wise?
Scrappy guitar pop. The most important thing for us is that a song is fun and catchy. We change up our sub-genres regularly but when we think about the perfect listening situation for our music, we think: sun shining, beer drinking and friend having.
Writing/recording process:
We like to overthink our songwriting process and underthink our recording process. We reckon there's no keeping a good melody down, not even if you bury it in fuzz and reverb and errors (which we frequently do). These days, our music feels like a response to press releases that talk more about the producer who worked on the song than the song itself - that seems like a pretty big red flag to us.
Can you tell us about your last couple of singles?
On My Way is the second single from our upcoming EP (due early 2018). Every Hottest 100 Day I get too drunk in the sun, and On My Way tries to capture that fleeting moment before the sunstroke and hangover kick in and you’re still having the time of your life. Play it loud at your BBQs. The first single was Murdering Time, a song I (Alex) wrote about a past relationship where I felt like I was too far down their ever growing list of priorities. It's about that selfish and irrational need to be the centre of someone's else world even when you'd be better off building a world of your own.
What’s the rest of the year have in store?
We’re playing with future stars Teen Angst, Segue Safari and Catwalk to launch On My Way. The show is on December 9, FREE ENTRY and we’re selling a bunch of cool merch like t-shirts, several hand-customised and unique denim jackets (just in time for the 40°C Australian summer!), and giving away unique stickers with each purchase (there are 52 different colour schemes, and only one of each). Get more info HERE.
We're also part of a really cool compilation coming out from new Perth label / production studio Tectonic Tapes. That's coming out in December and there'll be a launch party for that too.
Where can we hear more of your music?
You can check us out on: Facebook, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Instagram, Twitter, Sptify and Apple Music.
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