Check Rooftop Movies' Summer Program Highlights and win one of 10 double passes.. We're feeling a bit, um, "Christmassy" so we've taken it upon ourselves to launch the inaugural Pilerats' 10 Days Of X-Mas - a different giveaway will be up for grabs each day leading up to December 25.Yes, we're aware it's supposed to be 12 Days of Christmas. But there's a limit to how much we can suck up to people for free stuff ;) Rooftop Movies Perth sits atop a multi-storey carpark in Northbridge - the top level of the carpark's been given a tropical makeover replete with a screen surging high into the city sky, plastic flamingos, palm treees, astro turf, stripy beach chairs and caravans selling beers, wine, and popcorn. It's one of our favourite places to head to in Perth over summer, given not only the A+ film programming, but the ever-rotating selection of post and pre-show DJs, bands and PIZZA (you can pre-order one with your online ticket purchase and have it waiting for you when you arrive, per